What is waste?
Waste is an object or material present in an inappropriate environment and of no longer any interest, temporarily or permanently, for the living world, whether human, animal or plant.
Waste doesn't disappear with the snap of one's fingers... and just because we don't see it doesn't mean it no longer exists.
So yes, we can make them disappear underground. Bury them. And it’s true that we don’t see them anymore… but what a waste!
After a while, we will have exhausted all the resources on the planet.
So what do we do with it?
Whether it bothers us or not, waste is there...and it is not going to disappear any time soon. Because with more than 8 billion inhabitants, at unequal stages of economic development, living standards and ecological awareness, we're not going to lie: zero waste seems complicated.
How does it happen in nature?
Dead leaves ? Dead animals? The various and varied droppings? Well, nature reuses EVERYTHING and transforms EVERYTHING INTO RESOURCES! Nothing is lost, everything is transformed ! Collective intelligence! Harmony! No, but what good ideas!
Let’s get some ideas!
What we know is that usefulness is above all a question of point of view... What may seem useless to one person at a given moment may seem valuable to another, in its same form or under another.
In the interest of preserving living things, today we need to take inspiration from what nature teaches us to build a new economic model:écircular economy.
It is exactly on this principle that the SCHROLL Group has built its own philosophy, over the past 130 years. The idea is to RECOVER ALL OUR WASTE! In any case a maximum. To TRANSFORM materials and objects that we no longer use into NEW RESOURCES, to make them USEFUL again.
Either to breathe new life into objects that are still usable, or to make new ones, or to enrich the soil, or to create energy.
Less waste? Yes it is possible, by producing and consuming carefully.
Zero waste? It's impossible, there is no life above ground.
Zero ultimate waste, that is to say 100% resources and 0% landfill?
It's possible !
This is the objective of the SCHROLL Group, which acts and innovates on a daily basis to enhance everything that can be…
At SCHROLL, we call this positive waste management!
To preserve the planet and our resources, let's give our waste the place it deserves within our societies and our economies. Let's make them allies rather than enemies...